Sunday, December 12, 2010

Blog #3

  I can say that for sure I do not like working in groups.  If I were in a group project I'm usually not the one to speak up and take leadership.  I usually just give ideas and go along with the others ideas even if I do not agree with it.  Which in some cases is not very good because then the group totally fails.  Sometimes I feel that if I were to speak up or take charge then the group would have been better off.  That is how I felt about a group project that we had to do for Intro to Communications.  Group assignments are not my favorite what so ever but I have to put that behind me if I want to move forward.  My excuse is that I can not find the time in my busy schedule, I am slowly learning how to make time.  I would also say that I was not as prepared at all when it came to this assugnment.  After the first class I ended returning both books because that was my understanding but I soon learned that Mz. Peters was just talking about the Norton book.  I think selective hearing would come into play on this one because all I was thinking about was all that cash coming back into my pocket. For the future I know that I need to be better prepared and if in the future I have a group assignment which I most likely will, I need to have a clear head and be prepared and just make sure that I an giving my 100% to the group.





Blog #3

For this entry, I would like you to reflect upon what you learned about yourself, as a writer, while working on the informal summary (this is the one you wrote as a group). Think deeply! You may have learned that you are a leader in a group. You may have learned that you don't like to write with a group of people. You may have found that you are a better or less competent student than you thought you were. You may have realized that you were not as prepared as you would have liked to have been.

If I knew that this were true ... no. Just joking. Remember -- no stress on these reflections! Honesty is (sometimes) the best policy.

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